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05/12/22 11:55 AM

#217 RE: db7 #216

Yes. The Taubes are on the hook for the $10M. No wiggle room on that.

They negotiated and settled on that amount because I think had they gotten stubborn with the SEC this whole thing could have become criminal ..for them..and they knew it. Had it gone down that road they could have been facing jail time. And if that wasn't bad enough that also meant their days of managing opm would have been over. Guilty verdicts for fraud don't fly so good on Wall St. They were smart to settle ..and imo they got off very easy.

I'm viewing this situation now as separate individuals. The Taubes may not be out of this entirely yet but its possible they are (unless of course more dirt comes to light previously unknown).

I think the focus now for the Trustee is to go after the D&O. Who did what, when and why. He will (or probably already has) drilled down into that unit and knows what the next move is. I think this lawsuit is a delay last ditch side-show. I don't think the Taubes are the ones initiating or pushing it. I could be wrong but I think they want away from any more drama. ??

I'm not where I can read that lawsuit db7.. but I will when I get time.