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05/10/22 9:30 PM

#9241 RE: turntothesky #9240

Investors Don t Dump 25 million shares everyday below bid for sub 0.0001.
Noteholders are another avenue for the Company to keep dumping shares & Company is in cohoots with them. THEY ARE DEFINITELY NOT INVESTING IN THE COMPANY.
I will say it again, all OTC Companies dump shares thru their own account or thru note holders. The good Companies & good CEO's manage the share price while the dumping is taking place. After every step down, they promote it back up a bit before they resume dumping and they keep a floor on the downside, usually over 0.0005.
AFOM certainly has taken care of the Note Holders, , The share holders NOT so much. To allow the Note holders to dump below 0.0001 is a travesty.