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05/10/22 9:29 PM

#4766 RE: Eberhard #4763

I don't know for sure but Bousted Securities (Akanda IPO underwriter) probably got Halo Collective out of their lockup and Halo was able to dump roughly 12million AKAN shares on the market over the past two days. Kiran was boasting about 250m value of his AKAN shares when the price was at $20/s. He likely saw the price go to $9 and then made deal with Bousted to get him out of the lockup so he could dump his shares. It's possible that Halo's CFO departing a week before this all happened has something to do with it too. Nothing confirmed here, but who else had millions of shares to dump besides Halo?... since they had 44% of the total outstanding shares of Akanda. There was some shorting as well, but not that many shares (2m shares short from what I saw). They possibly are shorting their own stock as they dump shares. Even if I'm wrong AKAN shouldn't have lost 83%+ of it's value in two days on no news... Something shady, possible fraudulent happened here.