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05/11/22 6:43 AM

#44193 RE: Good Stick #44182

Rochelle, how about a saline placebo instead of the experimental vaccine???

Rochelle, the people get it, rules for thee but not for the CDC, right?

Dr. Peter McCullough raises THREE alarming concerns about COVID vaccines:

1. We don't know what's in COVID vaccines (the manufacturers - Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson -- have REFUSED to disclose everything that is in their vaccines)

2. The lipid nanoparticles in COVID vaccines go EVERYWHERE in the body -- the adrenal glands, the reproductive organs, the brain, the heart, the bone marrow. "This is scary stuff. You don't want anything ingested going into your brain. No one should want a vaccine to go into their brain." The spike proteins in these vaccines are known to be highly toxic and cause damage to the body. Worse, these vaccines are forcing the body to reproduce these dangerous, pathogenic, lethal proteins.

3. The genetic code for the vaccines actually goes into the nucleus of human cells and alters our DNA. "The genetic code for the spike protein doesn't just stay in the rough endoplasmic reticulum. In fact, it goes into the human nucleus. The belief is that it's a permanent installation into human DNA. This is greatly concerning that there would be a mosaic of cells now that has the permanent code for a protein devised in a lab in Wuhan, China, and 70 percent of Americans have taken it." There is the possibility that our own bodies would then reproduce these cells continuously causing chronic illnesses.

Contrary to the CDC’s claim that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines do not “change or interact with your DNA in any way,” a new Swedish study finds Pfizer’s shot goes into liver cells and converts to DNA.

It’s the first time that researchers have shown in vitro – or inside a petri dish – how an mRNA vaccine is converted into DNA on a human liver cell line, the Epoch Times reported.

It’s precisely what health experts and fact-checkers said for more than a year could not occur.

Dr. Peter McCullough, an internist, cardiologist and epidemiologist who is one of the leading critics of the COVID vaccines, said the findings have “enormous implications of permanent chromosomal change” that could drive a “whole new genre of chronic disease.


VIP was first used in CIRS [Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome] patients in November, 2008. Its use has revolutionized care of CIRS in that not only does VIP correct symptoms and proteomics seen in affected patients, but it also corrects gray matter nuclear atrophy (think of early Alzheimer’s!) and the transcriptomic (gene activation and suppression) abnormalities that are the ultimate source of this illness. Without VIP, patients will be forced to either suffer needlessly (this illness can kill people too) or search for another neuroregulatory peptide that can safely reproduce the extraordinary benefits of VIP.

Johnson for years—dating back to 2014—led efforts in the U.S. Senate to pass Right to Try legislation, which allows terminally ill patients to try experimental as-of-yet-unapproved medical treatments to try to save their lives.

On his U.S. Senate website, Johnson details the timeline of what eventually led to Congress passing—and then-President Donald Trump signing into law—his Right to Try legislation in the spring of 2018. It started back in 2014, when he met a woman named Trickett Wendler.

A little-known safe, and potentially life-saving drug for treating patients with severe, late-stage COVID, was purposefully ignored by U.S. health officials, and a group of Congressional Republicans led by Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson are demanding to know why.