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05/07/22 11:23 PM

#136992 RE: Honeycomb777 #136983

really the last thing you ever want to do is average down on a baby biotech or med tech. It is estimated that about 1 in 20 make it with a product or drug that actually gets FDA approved. (I am sure more products do than drugs, which might be 1 in 30). Only somebody living a fantasy life averages down in a micro cap biotech by buying more "as she drops." It is just throwing your money out, especially where management has lied to your face or at the very least, not been able to keep deadlines. It's like paying some kid to cut your grass and you give him 50 bucks up front and then you don't see him for two months while the grass grows to a foot high.

I am in cash HC, as I think we are going into a major recession, just like 2001. Maybe I will short some TSLA if it rallies. Has a pe of about 150, something like that. .........We are already in a recession, which will be announced in july....a major bear market is just starting.
The next year and a half will prove out a lot of failed investors who "scooped" the s and P and the nazdaq. gonna get horrific.