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05/03/22 10:34 AM

#11550 RE: Vexari #11545

Now we know what’s in the covid vaccine (30:57)

Both Moderna and Pfizer vials do not contain any biologics

So, how does this help

Just the facts

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05/04/22 9:15 AM

#11559 RE: Vexari #11545

To increase their odds to market

Pharmaceutical companies interpret data in dishonest ways

"[Prosecutors] showed that [the drug manufacturer] knew that [their drug] was gonna cause these events, and somewhere in the neighborhood of 50,000 to 60,000 Americans died because of their interpretation of what [Vioxx] was versus the reality of what [Vioxx] was."

@VigilantFox | Rumble | Full Episode


Investors can sue big pharma for non-disclosure

This goes beyond the indemnification clause

Because it has nothing to do with the jab

It has everything to do with disclosure