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04/28/22 10:18 PM

#148955 RE: EM8000 #148954

U prob won't understand this too but it's worth a try. Well at least maybe in a few years, broke B/C you bought a scam from a pitch man who's waiting to dump on U. :

This stock has always been a scam, rinse and repeat CEO name changes every time it goes down. The last time, I caught them just by calling the company they claimed to have a contract with. Yet these days I it's such a waist of my time trying help the fools. So, I'll say this just once:

Yet the game is always different, new players new trend scam.

The get these public registered companies and run through washing machines, rinse and repeat from one to another.

Good game if you're a criminal, hold monopoly cards on several public companies run till death, dump and pump.

I can only guess now they are calling themselves Medical, Johnny come lately they're planning to pitch a virus scheme or whatever as it's all going to be BS.

And for the time being, you got some pumpers who grab a bunch and run pitches all day to lure people who have no clue so they can dump them on U.

Rule 1 through 100: 'Get-rich-quick' delusions will wipe U out. And obviously right now, you're prime meat as, U have no clue what a frecken registration amendment means, U so don't belong in the stock market. Thank me later if U can still afford an internet connection.

But hell after they dump their 1.5 BILLION share on U, then it will be about ten years until U figure out what rule 100 is. albeit hint: when in doubt: refer to rule 1.

When ever U think you found the gold in garbage like this, you've been had.