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04/28/22 9:14 AM

#134898 RE: LexTrader #134885

Yeah.. For sure there needs to be a real Patriotic American in that seat, same for Texas and all of the Red states. We need to make sure that we keep up with with every aspect of what our leaders are doing in the "Red" states as much as we need to understand what the Blue States are doing. THEY LOVE to infiltrate the Red and they're doing it mostly , by putting fake Republicans in office working their way from local elections to the state levels. Changing the voting laws in our states.. "Redistricting" while screaming "voting laws are racist".. They've invaded every blue state in this country that way and now they have major blue held cities in all of the red states.. All done by Globalist Businesses promising our leaders jobs and drawing in a blue flood of voters into our states.. Taking city by city , county by county, and then state by state. Look at the faces of all of their aliens and immigrants flooding this country .. All young breeder bucks and cows and many of them swinging babies on their arms and one in the belly to claim citizenship as soon as they walk across the border..

California has been birthing hundreds of thousands of foreign babies for decades now.. People should read those stories.. They come across the border from Mexico, and they've been doing it for decades, and dropping their babies in blue california at taxpayer expense.. We're paying for the entire fiasco.

There's stories all over the internet that have been happening for decades about how California hospitals and blue state hospitals are shutting down because they're forced to bare the expense ( by Federal law) of birthing of millions of Foreign babies and their health care.. The FEDS FORCE them to take them and pay for all of their health care, but they will only reimburse them for a fraction of the cost and they do that at our expense.

One estimate I read years back stated that the Immigration system - health care, welfare is costing us over a TRILLION US dollars a year when it's all said and done.. When you add up all of the Border cost, welfare and health care cost, living cost and everything else they use, what little taxes they pay only pays for a fraction of what it's costing US taxpayers now being forced to take them while they invade our cities and neighborhoods..

This is ALL NANCY , DIANE FEINSTEIN and BLUE GOV"T being controlled by the Synagogue of Satan Banking system .. Protecting their own Globalist bloodlines and banking system.. American's won't understand it until it's too late or they won't admit it. It already is, every one of those millions of anchor babies they drop, anchors and entire family of taxpayer welfare , housing and health care that we pay for.. They get more benefits from THIS FEDERAL GOVT in California for their foreign families in the first couple of years in this country, than many of us will get over the course of our entire life times.

$42,000 dollars a year in WELFARE , HOUSING , FOOD STAMPS and gov't assistance for a family of 4 on welfare in that state.. That's more than most WORKING TAXPAYERS make in this part of the country.. They're raping us.. It's rape .. They are robbing the American people STUPID and it's all NANCY, DIANE , CALIFORNIA GOVT allowing them to flood the borders.. They don't try to regulate it.. They control pretty much every major alien hub in this country.. From Florida Coast line, to New York City , To California's Southern border. All Globalist , Gateways to invading America ..


04/28/22 9:25 AM

#134901 RE: LexTrader #134885

They're on the Globalist news right now talking about how dumb and far behind the School kids in this country are right now,, How Covid made it even worse and that "It could take years for them to catch up'..

A large portion of Graduates in this country BEFORE Covid could barely read or do basic mathematics.. BEFORE covid.. How much further behind can they get without becoming full 3rd world.?.

That's the problem. Teachers all over this country for years have been talking about having to take in thousands and now millions of these students that can't even speak English and having to teach them English at the expense of the class..

It's not a first grade teachers job to teach all of these illegal aliens English at the expense of American students and taxpayers..

But it is having the desired globalist Outcome .. Just like the ""A racial program for the 20th Century"" ( By Jewish Author Israel Cohen circa 1900) stated.. The Dumbing down and mixing of the population... They want a Low IQ dumbed down population that they can control.. A population where they majority are JUST SMART ENOUGH to work , drive a car and enslave but not SMART ENOUGH to understand who is keeping them that way.. Keeping them in poverty while they live like Kings ..

Everyone should read ( If you can still find it) the conspiracy theories ""45 Steps to the Communist ( overthrow) of America " , and a "Racial program for the 20th Century'.. If a person can find them, read them, understand them, whether they're conspiracy theory or not, they've already been fully implemented. And yes, I'm racist for telling people to read "conspiracy theories}"...