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04/25/22 5:11 PM

#14406 RE: Jimbo50 #14402

I think the photo that David added was reckless and informative in the wrong way. We'll sit tight and watch now. I'm more of a "prove it to me" perspective as of right now. I'd rather buy in confidence at $10 than in complete darkness under $1 every time. Crazy how the latter almost always is the more expensive of the two. Go MULN!

Reluctant Observer

04/25/22 5:20 PM

#14408 RE: Jimbo50 #14402

Somebody commented that shareholders here are “gamblers” can I nominate that as the lamest post of the day?

Anyone in the market holding shares of a startup is gambling on the success of that start up.

Somebody has an idea… a vision and they over slices of it.

Status quo.

The real questions are.. “have we done dd”
Do numbers add up?
Do we have unconscious confirmation bias… etc etc.

I have had huge wins and some substantial losses. I know the game.

It used to be we were fighting for abd against the company itself.

If it was stupid or a scam the smart shorts would like on like hyenas on a sick zebra.

Shorts were a medicine that kept the market honest.

It’s like the guy who bets on 7 always at the crap game. A negative life outlook but actually logically the smarter bet.

Not real sexy but… real.

Today rules have been thrown out the window.
Mm’s and hedge funds can literally NRVER DELIVER and just pay a cost.

Trillions have gone “missing” in our economy and what were once deep pockets are now infinite black holes

We are not fighting parasites we are fighting evil super villains.

So we need to have the best DD. We need to get rid of confirmation bias and hope porn.

We are betting on a long shot. We need all the facts all the details all the IP.

We need to MILK the bashers and make them put up or shut up ( block ignore)

We need the best details.

I’m good at telling stories and I need help with battery information.

Can anyone help me?

I will dive into parents IP etc but I’ve never had to before. Can someone give me a running start? I am really good at following threads.

More and more I think we are being positioned for a buy out.

If shorts abs bashers can’t argue their points with anything other than FUD and ad hominem attacks… FLUSH

BUT if they have facts let’s dispute those facts with better facts!

This is war and to think a bunch of teenagers who get offended by pronouns have the balls to be diamond hands will HOLD THE LINE…. lol… thst is laughable.

If our tech is real then it’s obvious competitors are trying to buy controlling interest in the company to either control bury or integrate our tech.

If shorts are attacking either they know something we don’t and then shame on us… or they are threatened in some way.

The risk vs reward in potential short profit vs long means that big funds and hedgies have done their work.


help me with battery tech threads.

I found many dead ends but it’s not within my current skill set.
It will be after this.

I also had a friend on iHub who knew how to leverage information from bill of lading’s shipping manifests etc

I was able to unwind from one large position by utilizing my partners expertise as high end realtor of 30 years to find the truth of leases…. Job postings linked in….

Hirings…. Chamber of commerce in Monrovia Brea Mississippi Tenesee

Connections with any F500 companies who understand procurement process

Board of directors research on EVGO Directa, Sonnatus, NexTech

Let’s get working.

If this is real we can crush the shorts.

Don’t built everything the hand of honest questions from board members.

Turn off noise makers.

Let’s get to work damnit.