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04/25/22 1:49 PM

#718786 RE: PennMilitia #718692


both too little and too much GOV scares me - but those of us in the left middle are getting scarce - as in the right middle ---- as the EXTREMES grow on everything

notice the wording --- so "cue and careful"

did not say money
did not say loan
did not say investment

did use - "say" the word - FUNDS

think of it - that is a weird word choice --- "funds"

so that sentence - in My English - is correct 360 degrees

the amount of "$ Funds" has been paid back
my comment is based on how closely it looks to

WE PAID BACK THAT MONEY frmm Treasury loan - investment - obligation)

and the GOV as in TREASURY (we can like it or not) has 100% called every penny from F and F to Treasury ---dividends. In their material nothing has been paid BACK. And in their mtestimony in court actions nothing has been paid back - nothing

There was no politics in this ---- but FHFA is under the thumb of Treasury (from where I sit) and I was surprised to see PAID BACK (even if the choice of word - funds - makes it fully correct no matter one's position)

And so here GOV is Treasury and its choke hold on FHFA