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04/21/22 7:26 PM

#41383 RE: conix #41382

Dead horse

“Any day now”

Is on the .gov site
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04/21/22 7:42 PM

#41384 RE: conix #41382

But what was NEW news? Nothing in that article wasn't already known to the public. I haven't been around CVM long enough to know the integrity of Geert. But I do read filings and try my best to keep up on latest PRs once I take interest.

Stating clinical trial review could come out "any day now" isn't new news. Especially after it's been submitted for about a month. As far as "the data should speak for itself," and then stating the "data isn't easily understandable." Both just resemble a biotech CEO covering his own ass with institutional investors. This would be different if the data he submitted hadn't been addressed in filings.

AF would be right to call him out.

If so, I agree. But at the same time are AF's actions not resembling corporate espionage. In turn completely undermining the entirety of his credibility? I mean the gall to basically admit you attended a meeting you weren't invited to and then admitting you recorded it as well, even though it would be in-admissible due to lack of consent (because its illegal).....

Would he even have published had they received the substantiative positive stimulus from Geert in this invitation only meeting? Let me make some of my own assertions, I bet if there was a set-in stone positive PR date stated, we wouldn't have heard anything about this meeting.