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04/19/22 9:07 PM

#134223 RE: darron427 #134221

War everyone has an opinion that is a fact

I'm not saying that it is propaganda or isn't, but we are talking about a war zone. Based on the way the Russians are bombing out the country city by city, it seems highly unlikely this would be the consensus of the majority of the Russian military. Some of Ukraine's cities and towns have been virtually bombed to the ground. I don't know what the estimated body count for either side is at this point, but the way the Russians were bombing the "City of Mary" a few days back, it has to be climbing quickly.

I hope for the sake of both sides, they have some humanity but unless all of these photos coming across multiple media sources are propaganda too, It's not looking pretty. More and more weapons pouring into the country. It's more likely to get much , much worse before long with all of the things happening politically and through the supply chain. And no matter how desperate they feel and how little help they're getting, somebody is putting their life on the line hiding them in the basements and out there trying to get them to safety.

This situation is so complicated politically and getting uglier all the time. Eventually we'll all be on one side or the other. That's how it has to be unless we choose to go AWOL. As old as I am, I'll fight to protect my family and country no matter what I think of the person in office if it comes down to that. We likely won't have a choice ( if it does), because our lives will depend on it.


04/20/22 7:28 AM

#134251 RE: darron427 #134221

For those who thought that Vietnam Vets (at least back in the 60s) thought Vietnam wasn't a war, Well this is what Vietnam vets thought of Jane Fonda and people back home that protested it .Hanoi Jane. . These hippies and Hollywood traitors staged protest against the war, did the drafter dodger shuffle like Bill Clinton did and ran off to "protest" the war in Europe where he stayed for years, staging protest along Chinese and European Communist against our own soldiers..

You'll find ALL of the Viet Kong - Communist recruits - Hollywood and gov't elite recruited by communism referred to as "Hanoi Jane, McCain, Kerry and many more by the VIETNAM VETS. They called them ALL communist because that's what they were and that's what they were promoting and recruiting for with the Equal rights and women's libby agenda.

Meet "Hanoi Jane " a Viet Kong , Hollywood recruit

Many, MANY Vietnam Vets hated John McCain. Most of the Vietnam vets despised McCain not just for what he did over in Vietnam , but what he did as a Senator when he came back home.
He PERSONALLY , sponsored legislation that took away benefits from Vietnam and military veterans and even hampered recovery efforts of Vietnam veterans. Involved with writing and voting in favor of legislation repeatedly, that took aim against veterans. There's stories all over the n net about him. They didn't consider him to be a hero. Many of them think that the Viet Kong recruited McCain onto communism and believe that's why he came home and ran for Congress, and then for the White House. They believe communism got to McCain in the same way that it did Bill Clinton and Barak Obama.

‘Songbird’ McCain: The evidence – in his own words, his fellow veterans, and his captors

Some of Communist recruit , John Kerry's Efforts to embolden Communism while serving the cause in Congress.
Hanoi John: Kerry and the Antiwar Movement’s Communist Connections
Original FReeper research | 10/11/2004 | Fedora
Posted on 10/11/2004, 2:27:07 PM by Fedora

Just one of many times the Clintons benefitted from Chinese "Donation money" either donation money filtered in through the Clinton Crime Syndicate aka the Clinton Foundation , or directly donated via some Chinese Corporation to finance his presidential campaign. They didn't care who knew the Chinese were supporting their Presidency.. Bill and Hillary had an entire HISTORY with the Chinese , dating all the way back to their days in Arkansas in the Governor's office. IN Europe where Bill Protested the Vietnam war or in Arkansas where locals said he sat in a tree outside of the University for days at a time , stinking up the place, protesting the war.. Bill Clinton was a worthless sack in every sense of the word.. He spent the entire Vietnam war, not just a draft dodger, but traveling Europe with Chinese , Russian and other Communist protesting the War, these people formed protest against American soldiers returning home from the war.. They spat on our own American soldiers.. There were stories all over the media of how they treated American soldiers, .. The soldiers were hated by the Hollywood Communist and those same people spread their propaganda from Europe to Russia to like Hanoi Jane and Kerry, who PERSONALLY went to VIETNAM during the war and made propaganda videos against our own nation and military.. These people are evil as hell itself. Who does something like this against their own nation.. They were and STILL TO THIS DAY , are Communist that support the Chines and efforts to globalized Communism, in our own damn country.. These people are traitors. You don't help COMMUNISM unless you're a COMMUNIST and Hollywood is loaded with them. From top to bottom..

Bill Clinton's Efforts to Support China and Communism written by a Chinese Reporter..

Anyone can go back and read about the history of Communism , how it started to rise with every war, really even since the Civil war. But around and after WWI, Communism infiltrated the Black - Minority movement and recruited hundreds of African Americans. There's all sorts of history and stories where communism took a large hold in early black Hollywood.. To this day, many of your college students make pilgrimages to Russia just like Bill Clinton did, and a whole list of early Hollywood , African American celebrities, singers, etc.

Many early African American celebrities went to Russia and a lot of them even stayed there after being recruited by communism.
. There's an entire history of it online along with the dozens if not hundreds of names. Communism lost it's appear with the African American community and virtually died out between WWI and WWII , by the end off WWII and going into the 50's it was all but dead..

Nearly any historian of Communism in America explains how Communism was "re-ignited" in America as a consequence of Vietnam.
It worked. It's that simple. Communism came into full force via Hollywood promotion. IT infiltrated all of your top universities. It came alive with the so called "Equal rights " agenda, womens lib, all protesting something.. Burning their bras and panties in the street. Destroying neighborhoods and all the same craziness that Obamanation attempted to do again among the minorities - communist recruits.

The black panthers pushed by Communism and Islam made it's way into everyday life starting out on African American college campuses
, even in my own small home town , a Mosque opened up that was full of nothing but African American males that attended college on the local minority campus. I know were they were at because i lived in a small Mississippi town at that time, where it was going down. They started the protesting and garbage in my own town. Those black college males , were recruited by Islam and it moved into the main stream under the guise of Equal rights agenda. They hated white people or at least White males. For no reason other than they were white.

I had no idea about these things because I was young and still in highs school. They built the mosque right across the street from the store I worked in while I was in high school. Mind you I worked for an African American business owner , his wife was a nurse. They even saw how these people treated me .. It wasn't the local blacks from Mississippi that started these things, it was the Northern ones that were recruited up north and they brought it to the South just like Jackson and King and all of the others who brought the riots and "protest" and murder to the South. It was all instigated by the NAACP and black panthers.

Don't get me wrong, I know there were racist in the South, but they black and white. It wasn't just some red neck white people. I know because i lived in the middle of it. There was PLENTY of stupidity to go around but the INSTIGATORS ALWAYS came from up North. There's all sorts of history where things were happening, and it was always some college kids or instigators coming from up north "freeing the enslaved blacks" who apparently didn't know they WERE enslaved because all of the ones in my home town were better educated tthan a whole lot of the whites, in the huge black college in my hometown. Thousands of College kids came from all over the country and went to college there.. At one time, there were actually 2 black colleges in my home town. The older one got merged with the newer one and today, they educate around 5000 African american college kids a year if I'm not mistaken..

If it was so oppressive in the South, then why didn't Black people FROM THE SOUTH, start all of this trouble? Why was it every story that you heard about the 1960's and the so called "equal rights agenda", it was about some instigators with the NAACP , Black panthers or some Muslim movement that was behind it? Because COMMUNISM had infiltrated the black univerisities up North very heavily via immigration by that point and it started to seep into the South under the guise of "free dim slaves" Funny they didn't know they were slaves until the Black Yanks told them they were and started to infiltrate Southern universities and bring their evil to the South

Because it wasn't about "EQUAL RIGHTS".. It was about promoting COMMUNISM .. It was ALL backed by Hollywood
, Jewish Groups and instigators and their real agenda had nothing to do with equal rights, except it used the rights agenda and thee "Oppression mentality" among millions of young blacks and white females, to promote the Globalist - Communist agenda that has turned into the monster it is today, inside our White House. Vietnam was the CATALYST and TROJAN HORSE that brought COMMUNISM into full swing in America and yes, even in Europe..