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04/19/22 5:35 PM

#236301 RE: satter #236289

That's a good question, maybe send Gesturetek an email with the question? Also, from my guess the metaverse was never popular until the very last couple of years where crpytocurrency and NFT came to light, the metaverse came with them as well..


04/20/22 10:42 AM

#236340 RE: satter #236289

I now realize why you were telling me that my 3a10 guess was wrong as I see that this whole GestureTek pending asset acquisition story is almost a full calendar year old already.

Who's Eric's Action Team, and how the heck is Eric supposedly going to fund Vincent without diluting any WNBD stock?

Last weeks PR sure sounded exciting until I did a lot more due and realized that this whole GestureTek story dates all the way back to last June and there's still no relevant details provided...other than Eric claiming he's somehow going to be able to fund GestureTek without diluting any WNBD stock.

Why can't Eric explain to the investment community how he's gonna be able to fund GestureTek without diluting any WNBD stock? There's absolutely zero reason he could possibly have to not explain that extremely relevant part after last weeks PR is out there now.

After all, if Eric's going to be able to place GestureTek's revs on WNBD fins and fund GestureTek without diluting any WNBD stock, then the sky will be the limit here! Sooooooooo unless & until that part gets revealed to the investment community the market's taking a wait & see proof approach.