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04/17/22 8:29 PM

#409970 RE: shurtha2000 #409968

Because everyone in America is working, or they can change jobs each month for even better ones.

As for the approval ratings, that means absolutely nothing, maybe at election time.

It appears you did not look at these approval ratings for President Biden.

I see 48 % by the economists.
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04/17/22 9:10 PM

#409972 RE: shurtha2000 #409968

shurtha2000, If you really believe a rating of low 30% in a country that stooped so low as
to elect Trump to the presidency suggests Biden is a disaster you don't understand much.

"Fuagf: Biden rating is at low 30% no matter what Poll you look at he is a disaster of epic proportions and I just don't see Americans or Europeans believing in him or trusting him ever again
P - I hear Zab saying Biden is doing a great Job - what planet is this guy from ??
how do you even say that with a straight face/post its almost absurdly ridiculous
P - Feel sorry for Zelensky but he has no choice but pin his hopes on Biden

Actually your precious posts and the above underlines that you don't. Your not seeing Europeans
ever trusting him again in the face of the stats i just gave you underlines you do live in your bubble.

* You and yours blame Biden for inflation. Wrong

Fact Check - Republicans Wrongly Blame Biden for Rising Gas Prices
As pandemic restrictions loosened worldwide and economies recovered, demand outpaced supply. That was “mostly attributable” to the decision by OPEC Plus, an alliance of oil-producing countries that controls about half the world’s supply, to limit increases in production, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration .. . Domestic production .. .. also remains below prepandemic levels, as capital spending declined .. .. and investors remained reluctant .. .. to provide financing to the oil industry.
P - Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has only compounded the issues.

* You and yours blame Biden for problems at the southern border consecutive administrations
are continuously dealing with. Trump exacerbated long-term problems there. Right

Fact-checking claim about Trump administration changes to the immigration system
Conditions that push migration haven’t changed, and U.S. hasn’t adapted
P - Experts said it’s important to take a step back and note the underlying factors that push people out of their countries and why the U.S. — regardless of who’s president — has trouble handling their arrival.
P - Persistent corruption, poverty, lack of opportunity and violence in Central America drive people to leave their families and seek a better life in the United States. Recently, hurricanes in Central America made things worse for many people, ruining their crops and displacing them from their homes. The coronavirus pandemic has also left many people without a job.
P - On the U.S. side of the issue, Congress hasn’t passed meaningful legislation to modernize the legal immigration system or to better prepare the federal government for surges at the border. (The last big immigration law was enacted in 1986, when Ronald Reagan was president.)

* Your fellow conservatives openly lie openly about the U.S. Mexican border

conix, conix, Repeat: So your "death panel" Betsy McCaughey has hooked to the 'Democrats want open borders' lie too, eh.
July 2019 -
In March, we rated False .. .. a claim that the border "is now open to anyone from anywhere in the world who wishes to enter our country." In April, we rated False .. .. a claim that the U.S. is locked down and there’s "a wide open border." And in July, we rated Mostly False .. .. a claim that Biden "is restricting travel for Americans into Mexico, but is keeping the border wide open for illegal aliens to walk right into our country."
P - Here’s what is happening now.
P - Biden has continued a policy — initiated by former President Donald Trump — to restrict Americans’ travel to Mexico, as a way to fight the spread of COVID-19. On Nov. 26, after omicron was identified in South Africa, Biden banned travel .. .. from South Africa and seven other African countries.
P - Most people trying to cross at the border into the U.S. are being turned away, under a March 2020 order .. .. by the Trump administration to curb the spread of COVID-19. The Biden administration is still enforcing that policy, although it’s exempting children who arrive alone, as well as some families.

* You and yours absolve Trump from accountability for the largest share of American Covid fatalities. Wrong

How Trump let coronavirus take over America
2017-2020: Withdrew CDC staff from China
Between 2017 and 2020, the Trump administration reduced the number of CDC staff in China — the presumed epicenter of the outbreak — from 47 to just 14, Reuters reported on March 25.
P - "We had a large operation of experts in China who were brought back during this administration, some of them months before the outbreak," a person who witnessed the withdrawal of U.S. personnel said. "You have to consider the possibility that our drawdown made this catastrophe more likely or more difficult to respond to."
2018: Ignored warnings from CDC

* You and yours blame Biden for the opioid situation in the U.S. Wrong

stockmule, One focus here is fact. Objective and rational best evidence-based fact of the time. Positive information in other words.
You can stick your
"The focus here is pathetic. You quickly go from covid to ukraine but child trafficking, pedophilia,
or border drug smuggling is never mentioned funny how the crisis is always trump
The U.S. Opioid Epidemic
"Opioids have killed 600,000 Americans. The Sacklers just got off basically scot-free
2021 article -
"Trapped by the ‘Walmart of Heroin’
2018 article -
2018 - "US life expectancy drops again as opioid deaths and suicide rates rise"""
Posted 2019,
Now, stockmule, give us a link to all your posts decrying the flow of American guns from the U.S.A. to Mexican drug cartels .

* You still believe Trump is worthy of being your president. Sick

This may be Trump's most twisted appeal to Putin yet
Trump's call on the Kremlin strongman to dig up dirt on President Joe Biden is no surprise. He's called on Russia and China before to interfere in US elections to boost his chances and got impeached for trying to blackmail Ukraine to do the same.
P - But this may be the ex-President's most twisted and pathological attempt yet to corruptly advance his own political career ahead of a possible 2024 White House bid. His thinking seems to be clear. Putin might be raining atrocities on Ukrainian citizens, bombing hospitals, apartment blocks, razing entire cities and sending 4 million refugees west into Europe. But Trump seems willing to overlook all of that in service of his own perceived interests.
P - Not only is Trump seeking to cook up a self-serving conspiracy with a Russian President much of the world now regards as a war criminal. He's also asking an enemy of the United States, who has threatened nuclear war, to damage the American commander-in-chief who is leading the West in an effort to aid an innocent, invaded nation and to save democracy.
P - Trump's latest appeal offers a window into his twisted morality as he lines up again alongside Putin, whom he called a "genius" earlier in the Ukraine crisis even as much of his own party condemned the invasion. And it raises fundamental questions about the patriotism of an ex-President who sometimes hugs the stars and stripes at his rallies but who often showed while in office that he cared only for his own interests.