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04/17/22 3:04 PM

#236129 RE: FrankF #236120

Good catch. Your obviously digging which means due diligence wanting to get as much information as possible. I really don't know what to make of that tweet. Can't find anything that supports a buy back in 2012

This is what Eric posted on his blog.

• The new WNBD subsidiary will enjoy protection of more than 50 granted patents for its products. The target operation was the originator of those patents and sold them for a significant sum to a multi-national corporation several years ago for use in a specific niche application, but retained exclusive right for the use of the technology in all other sectors. All these details will be disclosed with the implemented transaction.
• The price paid by that multi-national for those sector-specific rights was more than U.S. $40 million, cash. That money was paid out to the original investors of that operation at the time, not reinvested into the operation. Therefore, the first generation of investors in that operation exited profitably, and established an objective value for the technology by carrying out their exit. This is extremely significant for WNBD shareholders. Assertion that this technology has value is not subjective and does not rely on theory. A reference transaction exists.

I would point out this.

NOTE: Qualcomm now owns and licenses all rights in regards to GestureTek's Patents and Technologies for the Consumer Electronics and Mobile Devices Products. Please feel free to contact us and we will put you in touch with the appropriate people.

As far as Eric getting involved he does some Consulting. Not sure at what stage Eric entered the picture but he described the tech company as being in a bind after losing its bank line of credit. Eric being a Public company and the Tech I am assuming is private saw an opportunity to rescue it by bringing it under his public company. I say rescue because that is the word Eric used.

The benefit to GestureTek is oblivious and again I will use Eric's line, a lifeline to continue the business fully, away from the trustee operating on a restricted basis.

The benefit to WB can be really good or not. Time will tell

I have said several times I think the stock should bump, go up, with the announcement so if people will read I am not telling them not to invest or not.. They should make their own choices.

Not sure why certain people get upset when I have said the stock should go up. I am commenting longer term, down the road. This is big. Believe it or not, stats show that Acquisitions generally are not good for shareholders but when you break it down, stats also show it is usually good when the acquisition is for a small company so that favors WB.
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04/18/22 11:37 AM

#236173 RE: FrankF #236120

Vincent was still garnering mainstream exposure right up until covid...and check out the early investors listed on gust>>>

Before company purchased in 2012 ---Tose, David Bowie, Bob Goodale, Rolling Stones Business Managers