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04/15/22 3:26 PM

#47742 RE: Moses1492 #47737

Proxy said 4-14:
"A full set of detailed and comprehensive tests including neutron-density, sonic, gamma and resistivity logs were acquired in December 2021. Zion is presently in the planning and procurement phases of extensive well testing and this is expected to take several weeks".
i assume actual perforation and tests described by kyoil might then take a few weeks-and that could finish shortly before the meeting
Combined with what kyoil said they might know just before the meeting
and the coincidence of Pentecost June 5 just 3 days before the stockholder meeting
interesting ZN did not set the meeting for later - it has been as late as june 23 and as early as june 6 -seems logical they would want good news to report at the meeting
Grant jeffreys book : Armageddon: appointment with destiny, records many historical 'coincidences' occurring on the festival dates as per the theme of each festival- far far far beyond the laws of probability

due to the present usa admin blocking pipelines- usa is near limit for oil production and supposed to be ca 12.68M bbl by end of yr -such limit being ca 13 Million bbl- russia producing ca 12M bbl, saudis so mad at biden saudis say they arent going to produce more -biden 'canceled' the pipeline from israel to cyprus to greece. Was an adversary working thru the straw man trying to stop/block a possible Israel oil substitution for russia's oil supply to europe- knowing of course what was coming bc putin is a straw man also- israel oil supply to europe would make putin mad and he's already in syria (though i think its premature for that invasion to happen right now-an evang vs full gosp difference of opinion) and Israel would need a guarantee of security they are not presently getting from the usa- and europe - until now just a military scarecrow -if europe awakens more or less permanently it would become a suitable power base
August 1-end of current license -unless extended by a new conservative israeli govt 'prognosticated' for many months now or by principles of reliance,substantial completion or force majeuer, is not very far away either.