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04/13/22 12:15 PM

#1717 RE: backtoreality #1714

Some don’t like $CSLI / MKH management. It remains to be seen how good the company is or how it will perform. The business model to me is fine, some think it’s just a shell that’s going to sell shares, but that also remains questionable since the O/S hasn’t changed since they took the shell last fall.


04/13/22 1:41 PM

#1718 RE: backtoreality #1714

The OTC has enacted regulations shutting down the Pump and Dump boiler room operators.

The recent arrest of social media pump groups and individuals have caused the PPS manipulation crooks to self censor.

Looks like the days of OTC pink company easy money are over. The companies are now held accountable. Companies must now actually aim to create and operate a viable business rather than be in the business of selling shares to pay for salaries and operations.

The toxic lenders no longer can pump and dump using social media boiler room tactics. This has virtually dried up toxic lending to shells without assets or a viable business.

In cleaning up the OTC FINRA has also shut down the cash cow many seasoned investors experienced over the last several decades.