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04/13/22 11:36 AM

#52577 RE: suissac #52574

Suissac, you wrote;

I always bounce back from my losses.
jimmy chan (all lower case), will see the POWER of MY GOD ALL MIGHTY!

If you always bounce back from your losses, why then this time are you calling on GOD to do your negative bidding that was not due to Jimmy’s actions but your own beliefs in greed and the all MIGHTY DOLLAR?

Solomon said that if you want to heap hot coals on the heads of your enemies, be kind to them. He also said, “And the Lord will reward you” (Proverbs 25:21-22).

If you always bounce back from your losses it would be logical to not use GOD as your weapon against SGMD but by calling to others to witness GOD being used in that manner is blasphemy. “Jimmy will see the power of my god almighty”

According to Solomon you are now breaking your own belief in religious rules and taking the devils side. If you ALAWYS bounce back based on the belief in Proverb 25;21-22 why would you turn to the dark side with retribution and drive to hurt others when being kind to them you are also rewarded as you say you ALWAYS bounce back.

You have to now know that your days of bouncing back will be gone when calling on GOD to harm others when the cause was your own doing.

If you throw stones at your enemies and hit an innocent child and blame the rock, you have just limited your own beliefs and are using what ever is available to cause fault with the rock GOD made but it was you who cast the stone.

If you see the enemy and join them on the quest (buying SGMD shares) knowing they will harm others so that you may benefit believing you will not be held in contempt and safe from harm is also against what GOD stands for.

Timothy 6:9 - But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.

Luke 6:28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.

You have lost your way. Play the game, leave GOD out of it.