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04/07/22 12:14 PM

#108825 RE: kingbee #108820

Let's see them actually get to phase 1 trials before we start talking big money. This company has consistently promised intentions to go to phase 1 trials over the past 10 years.

Furthermore, the announcement of arresting cancer in cells is no new claim from this company's cancer treatment, that's what adva-27a has been claimed to do for years in pre-clinical. The only thing different is that they infused the PER with mRNA technology to achieve something they supposedly had been capable of 10 years ago with adva-27a. So there is really nothing new here except an old hat dressed up with a new feather in it.

Also it says 9-18 months before they even expect to get to Phase 1 trials. Pfizer and Moderna lobbied for fast track for COVID vaccines and they don't even hardly work at preventing getting or spreading COVID. Slilaty is in his 70s, the company has said time and again the success of the company rides on his coattails and a year or more before even phase 1 trials? Sorry it's a PR ploy with the same old promises and 10 years of evidence that the company never progresses past mice trials.
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04/07/22 12:22 PM

#108829 RE: kingbee #108820

Dr. Steve Slilaty is not a fool, curing cancer is only his day job, on weekends he's been methodically preparing Sunshine to be a major company. It's the last thing he'll ever do, or need to do.

Your scenario seems spot-on!