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Saving Grace

04/14/22 2:11 PM

#3014 RE: JRLopehandia #3012

Interesting, We are back to a gold standard currency right now since April 4, 2022 and most don't even realize it.

The Federal Reserve Bank is a private foreign entity and BK. It has been since last April. Everything you see on TV and Wall Street about interest rates is all bull shit because the Fed is gone. MSM doesn't want to push panic because multiple banks, Including JPM are set to crash when everything is exposed. All Central banks will fall.

Corrupt Companies and evil central banks are about to take a beating like never before. The people shall control the stocks with a Peoples Stock Market.

A food shortage is happening but not what one would expect. Supply chains are being reestablished and all Monsanto GMO food is being removed and replaced with Whole Food manufacturing, processing, productions and distributions. Be on the right side of all commodities and make a fortune when it all comes apart.