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I ll be back

04/07/22 11:41 AM

#161560 RE: toncatmad #161558


Yes sir. I am in the commercial roofing industry and material prices are 300-500% more now than before Covid.

The building was stopped because the company went to the bank and couldn’t get the extra funds as across the board all phases of construction were in the same boat as we are.

Existing projects are in the cross hairs and will be forced to get creative. After all, one still needs to repair a leaky roof.

With 300% to 500% price increases, consumers will simply say NO. Once this happens (which it is now happening) the building industry for new homes and commercial buildings will shut down. That is until we can get pricing back into the real world.

Now add in supply chain issues and it doesn't take long to understand the head winds that Vystar is up against.