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04/06/22 12:35 PM

#30666 RE: rawsteel #30654

It honestly doesn't matter...PAUL, OTCX and STXG have all backed off and significantly at one point or another this week and last. PAUL and STXG increased their asks to 12.4 cents just yesterday (or the day before, can't remember), with OTCX moving out of the way as well and the market did not adjust their asks according to these dilutors.

The fact of the matter is right now big retail holders are likely unloading. Don't mistaken poor entry as an overall sentiment of money not being made here...A LOT of shares were purchased in the trips and low dubs. Not everyone holding Boon is a bag holder.

There are individuals that are easily unloading for high double and triple % points.

If you watch the L2 closely for Boon, folks are bringing their ask price down in order to get to the top of the ask to sell their shares. Once PAUL/OTCX/STXG move out of the way with their iceberg orders, the likes of CDEL, GTSM, NITE, ETRF have asks in the millions and if it goes too long without anybody slapping the ask they bring their ask down by .0001 or just sell on the bid in order to beat the next guy.

Basically, three things are destroying this share price right now, in order:

1) Dilution. If you don't believe there is dilution you either don't know what it looks like, you are being willfully ignorant, OR you don't want people to be scared away.

2) Retail investors don't know what they are doing or are getting out of this en masse before it dips below .001

3) Finally, this thing had two very big runs in a short period of time and you can draw from the well so many times before you screw yourself with greed and hopes and dreams of becoming a millionaire with this stock.

Regardless of the folks who are running the show and their sketchy past...this WILL explode if:

1) Those filings actually show revenue for the contracts they have touted.

2) Finalized approval by the different gov. agencies.

3) ACTUAL MARKETING PUSH other than a picture of marketing material. Producing marketing material is good, but if it's not circulated it means absolutely nothing at all!

4) Some sort of indication of a production run, more pictures, a video of this product, something...literally ANYTHING! More images of the production facility. There is ZERO chance that image of the production line can produce even remotely close to what the capacity states, regardless of concentration of the product.

Any of things happen it runs to at least what we saw previously. If all happens, then you can start thinking about pennies.

That's all I got! ;)