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04/04/22 2:03 PM

#52550 RE: suissac #52549

IMO-Lemon Glow property is probably being used as a playground? Happy kids.
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04/04/22 2:09 PM

#52551 RE: suissac #52549

Suissac. No investor’s money went to Jimmy. Jimmy is not selling shares to investors. He is just issuing shares to those who pay down SGMD's debt. Yes the debt that is paid ends up with Jimmy but that money is not from investors and is not recognized as an asset or compliance issue with the SEC. The debt shares being sold to investors are from groups that have NO affiliation to SGMD.

I am going to repeat my words so maybe it sinks in.

Jimmy cannot and will not ever be charged with any financial squandering of funds because SGMD never received any funds from investors. None of your money went to Jimmy. Even though you bought SGMD stock, the stock came from those who own it that are not part of SGMD.

If you buy an Iphone and resell it as an apple product, the funds you sell it for is your money and not apples. If the phone is broken the buyer may complain to apple but they will say that was owned buy someone who bought it and no longer Apples issue. With no one to get pissed at for your loss, people go after the issuing company, In this case SGMD when SGMD did not sell the shares to investors directly.

If you sell your car to a stranger and instead of registering it they leave it in your name and drive drunk and run over people and leave it at the crime scene will you accept the blame because the car is still in your name? Of course not. That is what you are doing with SGMD; you are blaming Jimmy for your loss when it was the 3rd party buyers who killed the price.

Sure Jimmy is in on the scheme and has to issue news to get people to buy what he already sold but that news is always intent and rarely ever happens. The only thing that gets people to buy these shares is the belief it will shoot to the moon but they never do.

Buyer beware.

Jimmy has clean hands thanks to regulations that protect the debt investors and those OTC's who sell or issue the shares for debt payments that are far less then the share price will ever be.

The difference between an Iphone and stocks is stocks have no value or even an asset you can use, touch or hold. Electronic shares are more of a ghost or phantom that is really just a figment of ones imagination. Yes you see the shares in your account that you paid for but in reality they do not exist if that makes any sense.

People end up buying and selling non-existent bits of electronic data with no regulations as to how much can be added to the market place or who even is issuing the diluted shares.

The only issue is that in order to make the shares sell in abundance (even in a declining price), the company (Jimmy) has to release news to get people to buy the stock. Since Jimmy gets ZERO money that investors paid for the SGMD stock he cannot be charged with any squandering of funds because SGMD and Jimmy never took your money.

And SGND cannot be charge with squandering company funds because SMGD has no funds to squander, only news of affiliates and non-owned working partners that have no benefit to SGMD, your shares value or SGMD's bottom line.

I thought you said you were out of this stock awhile back if I am not mistaken so what is your motive? To help others by calling congress or your top-secret friends in high places?

I’m not saying you do not have the right to do what you say you are doing but what you are doing is also posting PR that is just intent news to cause a reaction. That is exactly what SGMD does, they post intent news to sell shares, and you post intent news to investors to also seek some outcome that will never happen.

One fact is clear, SGMD is making things happen in they’re favor while your actions are sill just intent PR. Unless you can prove an actual filed documented SEC indictment or charges against SGMD or Jimmy (not just a filed complaint but an actual case opened that is criminal) it is all intent PR.

You can say it will happen but that does not mean it actually will. If that were the case, SGMD would be $5 per share and doing $200,000,000 in revenue.

Saying your case is in the works or you can’t say what is happening but it is going to happen is the same as SGMD saying we may do $100,000,000 in Marijuana sales. Intent PR issued form SGMD or issued from you. Nothing matters but facts not if's and maybes.

One fact is clear, SGMD sold debt shares. Debt investors diluted the stock with no way to ever recover. Shorts made money and everyone else lost.

I’m here waiting so we can make our next move with a huge short position so I am here to make money not complain about losses. But to be honest, If there were not 100,000,000+ investors who did not take the same position in SGMD and 1000’s of other OTC tickers on intent news I would not be able to make any money. Sad to say I make money selling to others what is worthless that eventually crashes and burns.

Some may say we are the enemy of investors but I do not take money from others I just am here knowing so many will be tossing money into the wind and if I don’t take it, others will. Investors who keep buying into these schemes is not my fault, we are just here to make money like everyone else wants too that very few do.

If you buy a rotten egg sandwich that is green with mold and you paint it yellow, it’s still rotten. Buying these scheme shares are rotten from the beginning. The only difference is you cannot see they are rotten but are told by the issuing company they are not. Would you eat a green moldy egg sandwich just because someone said its OK?

I cannot stress the fact that this is the way the OTC is with most listed stocks.

Rotten beyond correction.