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04/01/22 7:02 PM

#23307 RE: MFH55 #23304

UNQL is one of the few OTC stocks that can actually have a pre earnings run. 99% of OTC stocks don't really have earnings or earnings that are worth talking about. UNQL has earnings that would make most NASDAQ companies blush. I mean it used to be.......especially on the NASDAQ...that you could get pre earnings buying in anticipation of stellar earnings.

Doesn't happen so much these days.

That being said...on average UNQL has spiked about 250-300% after the past 4 earnings reports. So with the stock being so low again at 2-3 cents it should make total sense that people would buy ahead of what once again should be just a stellar earnings Q in the coming days. That doesn't even take into account the fact that it is way way wayyyyyyyyy undervalued as it is. But just from a 'hot stock' momo play for the next 2 weeks this should be in play.