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04/01/22 12:35 PM

#74677 RE: GoliathRulz #74676

Imagine a Sony buyout? Especially now that Samsung just announced that their TVs are going to be a new gateway into NFTs??!!!!


04/01/22 3:40 PM

#74699 RE: GoliathRulz #74676

Interesting that the post that RedChip replied to and commented on is the post that referenced Samsung TV NFTs.
Hmm has me thinking but that’s just me probably…

“Looks like RedChip is actively watching Twitter and responding to people’s posts saying “please be sure you and your fellow GMER investors register here”…

Interesting they are monitoring and responding even though they weren’t tagged on a post.

I’ve never known a PR firm to be this active.
This is great news imo. “