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Frayed Knot

04/01/22 7:42 AM

#201247 RE: IH Admin [Tisha] (former) #201246

LOL. Heck, even in my yute I couldn't do the bartender moves.

SOOOO..... I will just stay in the backrow, watching everyone, while having a cocktail ;-)
(a person (me) should stick with what he/she knows :-D)


04/01/22 8:55 AM

#201248 RE: IH Admin [Tisha] (former) #201246

Glad to see some April Fools humor in trying times. It's a nice break. I'll take the inverterstub. Need to warm up some old sore muscles and joints just from watching Shelly and Meghan dance. Ah..Err.. You too Tisha. That flip over the bar was some move. :-D

IH Admin [Meghan] (former)

04/01/22 11:02 AM

#201259 RE: IH Admin [Tisha] (former) #201246