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03/30/22 3:53 PM

#203427 RE: Suvorov #203425

Scam or not, it's a bloated pig with more share issued in the last year than they can justify given an entire life to date revenue of exactly zero despite gold more than doubling while they we they were supposedly a gold mining company. Of course, their disclosures do not cover up the fact that they have done no exploration in 14 years let alone mined anything but the pockets of gullible dreamers.

This stock SUCKSFORSURE!!!!

We have not begun the initial stages of exploration of our claims(AFTER 14 YEARS???) , and thus have no way to evaluate the likelihood whether we will be able to operate our business successfully. We are a new entrant (NEW????) into the silver and gold exploration and development industry without a profitable operating history. We were incorporated on September 23, 2008, entered into the Delaware Section 251(g) reorganization on December 1, 2008 and, to date, have been involved primarily in organizational activities and obtaining our rights to our mining claims. As a result, there is only limited historical financial and operating information available on which to base your evaluation of our performance. We have not earned any revenues and we have never achieved profitability as of the date of this disclosure. Potential investors should be aware of the difficulties normally encountered by new mineral exploration companies and the high rate of failure of such enterprises. The likelihood of success must be considered in the light of problems, expenses, difficulties, complications and delays encountered in connection with the exploration of the mineral property that we plan to undertake. These potential problems include, but are not limited to, unanticipated problems relating to exploration and additional costs and expenses that may exceed current estimates. We have no history upon which to base any assumption as to the likelihood that our business will prove successful, and we can provide no assurance to investors that we will generate any operating revenues or ever achieve profitable operations. If we are unsuccessful in addressing these risks our business will likely fail and you will lose your entire investment in this Company.