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Skinny Mulligan

03/28/22 10:56 PM

#370 RE: HoldEm777 #369

Not that simple. Don't mistake pumpers for bulls. And know what bulls are out there. There are new bulls (the kind needed to drive SP to new highs). Most of the bulls are legacy holders (like me), who still believe SP is undervalued, but are intimately aware of the serial manipulative dilution perpetrated by the company itself. We are not willing to pay more than the discount insider price of $0.50. I'm a buyer, but will have to hit new lows before I buy more.

The pumpers read the situation same as you. They tried to make a quick flip, but best they could do was push up a few pennies. Simply not enough new blood. Failing some drastic news from the company, it will be a long recovery. A news release of 10 vehicles being sold just doesn't cut it. I actually think they thought it would.