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02/06/07 6:31 PM

#55592 RE: smartmoney77 #55586

Since I fortunately sold all of my shares a few months back for a few cents profit I will desist from further postings on this board.

BUT, in parting I have to express astonishment with what you told the SEC. I sincerely hope that you have some facts to back up your allegations when a DOJ investigator comes knocking on your door.

THIS IS NOT A GAME not a GOSSIP CLINIC that you have involved yourself in!
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02/06/07 6:36 PM

#55598 RE: smartmoney77 #55586

SmartMoney-Excellent Post.My hat is off to you. This angle by "foreign shorts" has not even been considered.
Security Solutions Company doing business with the U.S. Military SMEARED and disparaged by foreign Shorts and foreign hedge funds BOMBARDING the S.E.C with an e-mail campaign
Most interesting. Please PM me if you can elaborate on what was said by the S.E.C.
Thanks again,
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02/06/07 6:36 PM

#55599 RE: smartmoney77 #55586

Not saying that you are "not telling the truth", but the SEC does not comment on investigations......PERIOD!!!! They are not going to give you any information whatsoever, they is illegal.
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JUST 10-11-12

02/06/07 6:39 PM

#55601 RE: smartmoney77 #55586


my gut feeling, is CKYS is sound...
and doing everything to fight off the Naked Shorts
oversees..the crooked hedge funds and others crooks
in the world.

not easy task...and we have been sucked into it.

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Jim Bishop

02/06/07 6:42 PM

#55604 RE: smartmoney77 #55586

SEC does not comment on ongoing investigations.

Who are these evil Canadians that have been "bashing" here before today?

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02/06/07 6:48 PM

#55606 RE: smartmoney77 #55586

What utter nonsense, smartmoney. Guess what: if you did make the call, you are on the list.
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02/06/07 6:59 PM

#55620 RE: smartmoney77 #55586

free cyberkey lol
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02/06/07 7:44 PM

#55718 RE: smartmoney77 #55586

smartmoney77: Are you kidding???

You "informed" SEC of the following?

"I informed him that it is possible that the SEC may possibly be acting unknowingly as an instrument for foreign terrorist organizations.

Unless they are a complete fraud, Cyberkey solutions is a supplier to the department of homeland security and other government elements."


Do you actually think that "foreign terrorist organizations" are attacking the U.S. by submitting complaints to the SEC about questionable claims made by non-reporting publicly traded corporations and further influencing the SEC to take action to protect the investing public?


Your second option about Cyberkey Solutions being a complete fraud is the most likely IMO.

I looked at this company a month ago and saw what looked like an obvious scam and opined that longs would likely end up with worthless shares:

I've also made some posts on iHub about it, two of which are linked in this post:

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02/07/07 8:32 AM

#56070 RE: smartmoney77 #55586

smartmoney77 you will have to go through...

your Federal Government Representative in your area to assist you in a request for records under the open records act (He or She is your public servant). It is a requirement that you must make that request in writing, be persistent in the pursuit of your request...I am doing so you can bank on that!.

While they would not give me information about the complaint's origination.

Freedom of information in the United States

"The usual intent of these laws is to enable citizens and journalists to examine government activity to detect political corruption, or to allow them to have input into government decisions that affect them."

* Administrative Procedure Act PL 79-404; 1946
* Freedom of Information Act PL 85-619; 1966
* Federal Advisory Committee Act PL 92-463; 1972
* Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act PL 93-344; 1974
* Government in the Sunshine Act PL 94-409; 1976
* Inspector General Act PL 95-452; 1978
* Ethics in Government Act PL 95-521; 1978
* Presidential Records Act PL 95-591; 1978

PS – I know you are already aware of this but I am responding for the benefit of every shareholder. Don’t assume someone else is carrying out the above task on your behalf. Everyone should find out individually and on there own….I smell legal action if Jim Plant was wrong and \or if this was brought on by wrongful intent to manipulate the stock. No matter what and in either case can you say CLASS ACTION!!!

Only if both come out clean….only then then you can say SHIT HAPPENS……