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03/28/22 8:38 AM

#265 RE: Omar8 #264

In one of the Weir reports I posted it stated how their plan operates. In some cases they drop it to reduce cash payments when inventories are slim. Other times the drop is o further position shorts. There are four banks bouncing silver prices now on a daily basis - JPM, HSBC, USB and Glenair (or something like that). There were 10.

Physical deliveries are made quarterly. So, a delivery is about to occur.

It is believed that because there are only four banks manipulating price instead of ten that conditions are improving. I don't know. While I have a lot at stake, I don't have access to the more important data. Weir says one of the banks is doing poorly in the manipulation game and is about to ask Congress for a bailout - Glenair I think. We know BoA is in deep shit in their trying to manipulate prices..... enough so they will likely be sacrificed. Imagine that. BoA shut down. That would likely promote a domino event.

Banks being propped up and getting out of manipulation, to me, implies the gamesmanship episodes are probably nearing an end. Add national mints are running out of silver a few times a year and in concert it suggests their mess created is getting out of control. Ya can't generate more paper silver and make coinage from it.

There is evidence that most central banks have reduced money printing. In fact, the Fed has quit and allowed the Treasury to crank out Tbills like cash. That explains the stock market fall (in part). The current market rise is on lower volume. Does that support that notion? I think so.

With that rise comes a rising dollar. Foreign interest remains. When it is dismissed things will show the real intent. Some people still think I'm crazy. I believe the war is a disguise/delay and war will later expand to hide even more (corruption) per repeated history. Part of the plan. No mystery. Unfortunately, I am proven correct over and over. The central banks are in control and will do anything to remain there, including war.

Look at all the convenient mishaps concerning oil. The tanker blocking the Suez; dozens of refineries bombed or mysteriously exploding; the Yuan/Ruble battles with the PetroDollar; Saudis dropping our friendship; tankers sunk in Persian Gulf; he US quit being oill independent; on and on and on. Look at history. Oil, banks and defense builders move together in the markets. They say true deep state families are all heavily involved in this circle of money. The cycle occurs in circles over and over, more and less, throughout modern history. Precious metal is being manipulated along with oil and now weapons of war. Over and over and over.

Anyone with a brain knows Russia could kick Ukraine's ass in a few days if it wanted. This show is being drug out intentionally. The purpose?

This one creeps me out. World reserve currencies last between 95 to 115 years. The Federal Reserve began in 1913 and declared the Dollar a new reserve. It's showtime. And we are in it. Fortunately, wealth transfers happen in these events and we have positioned ourselves well for it. We just gotta wait and not starve or get killed.

It's part of the plan. Don't give up and undo your silver position. I'm 68 years old and wonder if I can live long enough to see the system reboot. I sense it is getting near. We have made our move. Now we gotta wait on them to finish up their end.
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03/29/22 5:58 PM

#268 RE: Omar8 #264

I shoulda said something about this a few days ago. Silver does not chart well except for a few price formations and moving averages. It seems price is dancing with the 200ma for the while. daily silver chart Some analysts have said this is the last drop before liftoff. I'm averaged under $19. C'mon Major Tom.