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03/26/22 11:45 PM

#132028 RE: moorecj1976 #132027

Well said!

But yeah, keep on gobblin!

Seamus is actually a brilliant tactician, y’all are just too dumb to see it.

Getting things jusssssssst right before this takes off to APPLE mkt cap territory.

That’s right, this scam is going to a $5T market cap. A true long has said it, and it shall be so.

LETS GO!!! lmao


03/27/22 8:46 AM

#132031 RE: moorecj1976 #132027

It's not that I disagree with you somewhat because I know that there are a lot of good people and even on these sites, that are really trying to warn people.

But with that said, people don't know who they are. People can't tell who is telling the truth or who is telling a lie. A lot of people come here thinking I'm going to buy 50-100 bucks worth of this or that and just see what happens.

A LOT of the time, the longer they hang around, the more "helpers" come along to "encourage" them to sink deeper and deeper into the abyss.. And, many times, they'll see the stock move a little more and a little more and they want to buy "just a little more' because the bearers of false witness by this point have convinced them that they have a cure for Covid. By this point, it's been running so long and they're in so deep, the pros are screaming "hold, hold, hold" and the dumpers are screaming "it's a scam, it's a scam it's a scam"..

Eventually they hold too long or they jump out too quickly. That's the entire point of a pump and dump crew.. To create uncertainty.

Therein lies the problem. People can't tell who is really trying to help them and who's trying to stick it to them from both sides of the verbage playing field.. I know.. I've been there . More than once.

No matter how long you've been around, as a small investor , you still want to believe that there is a decent human being in there somewhere that really is trying to run a legit company and that it will benefit both the world and the company..

I've sat and listened to people who I knew who had no clue of what was going on talk about "covid and Aids cures' saying things like "I had someone die from Aids or covid and I'm investing because I want to help them find a cure".. They prey on people's emotions many times. They prey on people's needs, wants and desires.

Just like my old daddy used to say .. The Devil comes to lie, deceive, steal and destroy. He has a counterfeit for everything that God does.. ""Anything he can do , I can do better".. That's what the deceiver thinks. And truthfully, the Devil is very good at it. Many times because the devil has many, many years of practice. He knows how to work you from every angle. He knows mans weaknesses, desires and even your aspirations.. He'll even prey on your desire to help other people just as the donor to the covid scams. These people are PROS.. It's been going on since the beginning of humanity and it'll never stop. The more practice the devil gets at it, the more he's let off of the leash and figures out how to navigate around the rules and laws, the better he becomes at pulling off the pump and dump scam..

That's my sermon for today.. The Devils and the Pump and Dump scam. Lol