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03/25/22 6:30 PM

#15798 RE: tcm55 #15796

You continue to go back and forth with your reasoning. Why you continue to address me with those type of ping pong questions suggest you're a glutton for punishment. There is no such grand plan to increase share price before a capital raise.

Sir, the cement has already been poured and your feet are planted in wet concrete. Once the ink is dry on the capital raise and your theories are completely debunked surely it will be some other moronic thing Moreau had done that will become the next reason for concern.

You are actually advocating for bonuses for management? Just friggin WOW! Management handing each other shares as if they have done anything other than decrease shareholder value exponentially is another raw slap in the face.

Yeah, Dr. Williams reads books and throws darts at a list of existing molecules. Moreau runs around pennyland like a peacock with its P Cock cut off screaming about conducting insignificant studies as if they're on the precipice of changing the world of medicine as we know it. We all fell for that straight up Bullsh!t.

Now Moreau states he wants to concentrate on fundamentals. So what was he concentrating on for the past 4 years? Whatever Kulant Malhi told him to concentrate on that Made Malhi Millions - that's what. That's the guy at the helm @ Algernon and his colors have not changed since.

As to my holdings of this junk stock. I've previously stated more than once I am looking for the exit. I'd like to exit at $30 per share usd. However, that seems like a pipe dream at this point with massive dilution on the horizon. Thus, I'm targeting a timeline of the end of Phase 1's. I will not be around for any Phase 2 data readout in 2024 or 2025.

Without a doubt in my mind, this will be my final penny world stock I'll ever throw money at. I'm just beside myself to know of all the penny stocks out there Breathe/Algernon's leadership has been one big snake oil salesman scheme since the beginning. Of the 4 CEO's since 2016 (Malhi, LaTorre, Wong, Moreau) the tag team of Malhi & Moreau is a horror story for the ages.

The next chapter is being written right now. It's titled Miraculins 2.0 with many of the characters from Miraculins decade long downfall now appearing in the new chapter at Algernon. The more shit changes the more it stays the same. One only needs to open their eyes and read it in black and white.

You can't make this shit up. As I've personally spoken to 3 of the 4 CEO's (not LaTorre) and ADAMANTLY pushed to speak to a 5th CEO. I had roundly made it known Moreau should have been removed based on his overall performance which includes his endorsement of the BS IPF/Chronic Cough study in Australia being on a timeline that he's pleased with. At a time when it was critical to get the data in an effort to keep the stock price from falling to historic lows where they remain to date when you factor in the 100 to 1 reverse split.

