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03/25/22 6:20 PM

#35917 RE: cowtown jay #35916

Thanks Jay. You cut the real definition of the GM-CSF receptor short.

This is what the rest of the sentence says in the article you are quoting from:

Upon administration, lenzilumab binds to and neutralizes GM-CSF. This prevents GM-CSF binding to the GM-CSF receptor, which is a heterodimeric protein expressed on myeloid progenitor cells, and prevents GM-CSF-mediated signaling.

The receptor is not on any virus. There is no binding to the Covid-19 virus or any other virus. GM-CSF-mediated signaling goes on in the body all the time as a natural process. The issue is when GM-CSF-mediated signaling gets boosted and goes haywire which can happen from CAR T therapy, transplants, various viruses, etc. Lenzilumab is blind to the virus. It is virus agnostic. THAT is one of our selling points: let the virus mutate; we won't need to go back for more trials like the vaccine companies have to do. Lenzilumab will still neutralize GM-CSF. Take a close look and you will see that we have something much better than you thought.