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03/22/22 5:27 PM

#85733 RE: Knux #85732

That’s an excellent summation, thanks for putting it succinctly so that everyone is aware. It’s hard to imagine Mick turning against Brad when their attraction began as a Bromance then reversed into Disdain / No love lost.

Money does not change people, it merely shows who they really are.

It appears Mick is beginning to flounder in the case against Listermann. Failing to even respond to the latest demurrer, which is a terrible look. Furthemore he's had nearly all of his cross-complaints of "fraud, breach of fiduciary, conversion etc" boo'd off stage by the judge for perhaps for the last time. (Lol, as if this won't go on for another decade)

He's even recently filed for an outright decision to be made by the courts in a signal of frustrated defeat.

Listermann has conceded professional negligence, and that is it. There won't be any damages collected on something like this. In fact, Mick's paid a small sum to HIS lawyers recently for wasting everyone's time and not filling within the clear deadlines. (Sound familiar??)

Looks like Mick was more concerned about wasting all of his money and time amateurishly pursuing this petty beef amongst a fellow scumbag that he used to happily scam with...than he was actually running the damned "company".

Frayed Knot

03/24/22 7:35 AM

#85745 RE: Knux #85732

Looks like Mick was more concerned about wasting all of his money and time amateurishly pursuing this petty beef amongst a fellow scumbag that he used to happily scam with...than he was actually running the damned "company".

Couldn't have said it better myself. I'm trying to figure out what type of lover's spat they had to make tiny Mickey so mad at his once best bud scammer.

Heck they once ate lobster together.

AHHH... "the "good ol' days".

BL proudly posted this on his TWIT page. I assume Tiny Mickey was with him.

Frayed Knot

03/24/22 8:14 AM

#85746 RE: Knux #85732

Exactly, Tiny Micky Davis, did show up, I posted parts of the docs from the lawsuit awhile back. Here they are again.

WTF.. COMPLAINS and then doesn't show up.. What a wimp.

The lawyer should have SANCTIONS put on his butt.