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03/23/22 3:08 AM


I'm surprised this stock has stayed down. I have not been monitoring it because I put what money I had to invest in the stock that I gave you the ticker on in the last message I sent you on this board (you could have gotten that stock at $1.20 Monday when I gave it to you; they closed at $1.50 yesterday and could go to $40 dollar range so easily imo).

My question on IMHC is, have they diluted this week to keep the stock down?

At the moment, I'm not touching OTC stocks although the ticker I gave you Monday is an OTC but it is an OTC of a different color. It's been too hard to make a living in the OTC in what should have been a bull market and since going to the big boards I have not been disappointed!

Giving it to you 1moreTIME. You need to look at this 3 month chart of this 22 million OS and the PRs; it could touch $50 depending on how it breaks out but it is going to break out today!


03/23/22 3:44 AM


You don't have to answer that question that I asked in the last post. One quick glance of the chart tells me there is no dilution! Crazy the stock is still down here at these prices but it is like I said in the last message I sent you 30 minutes ago, such has been the OTC lately! IMHC should closed .50 Monday and have hit $3+ dollars Tuesday! Ummfh....