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03/20/22 4:15 PM

#15774 RE: tcm55 #15773

Ohhh 55. Where should one start?


Successes on some or at least ONE of the current initiatives is the goal for a move to a NASDAQ listing IPO.

M$ - No! No ! No! A Capital Raise (Financing/PP/IPO) in whatever form will come with the Nasdaq uplisting IF Nasdaq approves it in due time. Moreau has stated time and again the purpose of consolidation of shares is to qualify for Nasdaq. Although, I still believe it put Moreau in position to dilute the hell out of Algernon - which he will do in short order. That's just who he is and how he rolls in pennyland.


Rewarding long shareholders with a larger proportion of the total OS should be a goal too. IMO. Raising money to further successful current initiatives is a given. How that is handled appears in debate here.

By what mechanism would Corporate divvy up Outstanding Shares to longs? The best you could ever hope for would be a Stock Buyback, but that is simply Pie In The Sky. We are talking about Team Cobra here. It would never happen!


Sponsors are another possibility with Stroke and Cancer tumors, certainly of high interest and demand by medical communities. IPF and CC solutions for all us smokers?

I agree. There is a possibility of partnerships for any of the drugs. However, getting past Phase 1 is a first step. Then getting past Phase 2 is the second step before I could reasonably see any large pharma company taking a strong position in Algernon's pipeline. Thus, as I have stated before, getting to Phase 2 data readouts will be a painful process considering the slow pace of play management designs and desires. I cannot see a Phase 2 data readout for DMT or Cancer at least until 2025. The only so-called Phase 2 data readout coming to Algernon in the meantime is the woefully long awaited IPF/Chronic Cough data. That data will likely not move the needle/share price any further than now. It's merely been designed to be a steppingstone to whether or not management will move forward with a real Phase 2 clinical trial for either IPF or Chronic Cough.

What we do ALREADY KNOW is the pre-clinical trial data for Chronic Cough that Algernon bought in 2018 is significant enough to have ran a standalone Phase 2 clinical trial powered for statistical significance. The Chronic Cough pre-clinical trial data is the exact same data Moron Moreau is still spouting about as being overwhelming against the leading Chronic Cough drugs. Don't take my word for it. Simply go over to and review Moron Moreau's latest webcast. As I've said in the past, we got fucked by management with the delay tactics they used from the outset of designing the COVID studies and IPF/Chronic Cough studies. Management wasted valuable time and diluted the company by 6 Fold in the process. Algernon went from less than 30M Outstanding Shares to 167M Outstanding Shares for 2 clinical trials never designed to go anywhere. Anyone think management didn't know that?

While we're at it, let me offer up a generic scenario of a long shareholder's dwindling position/stake in Algernon Pharma. Let's say you held 200,000 shares and subsequently 100,000 shares after the 1st reverse split (2 to 1) back in October 2018:

So you're at 100,000 shares and you go through a 2nd reverse split of 100 to 1 as of November 2021:

Thus, your shares went from 200,000 to 100,000 to 1000 shares held.

Now let's put a hypothetical target price someone may have had with 100,000 shares in your account. Let's use a very modest target price of 1 $. Given Moreau could never get the share price beyond the 40 cent range (truly pathetic performance) 1 $ is more than 100% profit. A Two-bagger stock price. At 167,000,000 Outstanding Shares and the stock price at 1 $ means the Market Cap would be 167 Million Dollars.

Now since the 100 to 1 reverse split you now hold 1000 shares. For you to realize the exact same Two-bagger at 1 $ per share, you now need the share price to be 100 $ per share (One hundred Dollars Per Share). To date, Moreau and management will be selling shares for $3 or $4 in the next capital raise. That's A HELLUVA long way away from $100 per share. it's almost unthinkable you'd ever get to $100 under the current management team (Team Cobra).

Now let's go even further and take your examples of 5 to 6 Million Shares Outstanding in the near future. In order for you to get a Two-bagger return of investment - you will need Algernon's Market Cap to reach $500,000,000 (Five Hundred Million Dollars). Of course at 6 Million Shares Outstanding Algernon's Market Cap would need to reach $600,000,000 (Six Hundred Million Dollars).

If you are following along here you are witnessing your slice of the pie getting smaller and smaller with every reverse split and dilution scheme thereafter. Algernon could arguably reach a 1 Billion Dollar Market Cap and with dilution you would still never realize a Two-bagger of your 1000 shares. Thus, market caps don't mean shit if you are being diluted to the bone. At 5 to 6 Million Outstanding Shares you don't stand a chance at Moreau's claims of wanting to make a life changing difference for shareholders.

A HUGE problem is people simply don't understand the math in order to understand exactly where they stand in this Grand Scheme of Cobra things.


Often folks/companies/investors/etc learn from the past and of course we ALL want financial successes...GLTA...

Tell me about it.

Crash Course: If Algernon get's to 5 Million outstanding shares - whatever shares you held prior to the reverse split(s), Algernon would need to reach a Billion Dollar Market Cap in order for you to realize a measly Two-bagger. Someone ask Moron Moreau if he believes a Two-bagger would be a life changing event?
