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Replies to #1 on Replidyne (RDYN)


02/07/07 2:33 AM

#2 RE: apostrophe #1

Phase III Trial OK

I just looked at the last title and and first glance it seems to indicate the misinterpretation I was conjecturing about, so making a better heading for this msg.

The other thing is that I recall reading somewhere that a type of staph has some medical people more worried about staph than bird flu because it apprantly attacks the lungs. One scenerio medical people are keen to avoid is people getting deathly ill from visiting a hospital. Here again, this company seems to have something that could prove timely in addressing the staph issue.

Actually I just stumbled on this stock noticing a bit of a volume spike on the ups, though stock currently looks depressed. It seemed a bit interesting, so thought would pass on.

When a dev biotech passes a late stage trial they can often spike impressively.

Also there was no other board so what the hey....<g>