All laws are changing as the U.S. is going back to the law of the land from being on maritime law since Pres. Grant, 18th
London has been ruling us since Grant, under maritime law and why Big Pharma bought politicians to change our laws under maritime law to their liking through lies and deceit propaganda to sway the people
It's all changing back where the Govt. has no business telling anybody what fruit they can and can not grow. The people have the right to grow anything they want without interference through the law of the land. The peoples law
We are no longer the United States of America Inc. which we were since Grant. But no longer. Many states are already announcing open carry even.
We are now The Republic of the United States of America. Every law opposing MJ in any way under the maritime law USA Inc. just went out the window with Gesara Nesara now enacted. The media won't report it but it is what it is.