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03/13/22 10:07 PM

#205630 RE: HyGro #205628

ANVISA approved the cd16/17 trials based on what they saw in cd12. Explain why they gave us two trials focused on very severe to critical patients and with 4 doses, if all they saw in cd12 is the gloom and doom you are picturing. If cd12 was total failure to be summarily dismissed of merit, what else is the independent basis for ANVISA to accept our proposed trials and allow the recruiting of their suffering citizens?


03/13/22 10:20 PM

#205631 RE: HyGro #205628

wrong again, it saved lives and was incredibly effective and safe for the first few weeks, then because the patients were not allowed a dose in week 3 and 4 the effectiveness went down. Go figure.

When I am thirsty I quench my thirst by drinking more water. When I can no longer access water, I get sick from dehydration and eventually die within a week or so. GET It? Savvy? Capiche?

Why would the criminals at the FDA want to jeopardize saving lives, and then have the gall to say that leronlimab did not meet their pre-planned failure standard of just two doses? Leronlimab did just what the FDA wanted it to do so they could have a twisted truth session by way of unsigned letter to discredit the company.

When leronlimab is used, it works. Pretty hard concept to grasp.