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03/12/22 8:56 AM

#31719 RE: Gman3343 #31718

I saw that there would be a meeting 14 days after fact discovery between ripple, sec, and judge netburn for 1 hour to discuss possible settlement. That would put us right at Monday.

I wonder if Torres ruled to deny sec motion to strike the fair notice defense intentionally before this meeting to send a signal to the sec to settle this now because it is not open shut case.

If the judge allows fair notice it is because she believes there is enough evidence that there wasn’t fair notice and the burden now falls on the sec to try and convince the judge otherwise.


03/12/22 10:59 AM

#31720 RE: Gman3343 #31718

One of the issues we face is xrp is delisted from a lot of exchanges still. The case may be decided in Ripples favor and it may still take time for exchanges to come back online. Especially if sec targets them next.

Sec has made xrp holders public enemy number one. They attacked us for buying. They are attacking us now for holding with halting the earnings. And when they lose, they will attack the exchanges so we can’t sell.

Thank you sec for all that you do to make my life a nightmare (consumer protection)