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03/09/22 11:02 AM

#187237 RE: thegreencandle #187232

Say What? Please explain this contradiction concerning testing?

Quote: "So pct needs to demonstrate how their solution works and fits in with other methods and different types of geological environments before anyone looks at this as anything more than a very speculative move."

OR> REAL WORLD INFO and stop with the bs small potatoes test results that are meaningless beyond proving proof of concept in what amounts to a controlled laboratory environment (or as close as you can get to one in this situation).

What’s a controlled environment?

A controlled environment, or critical environment, is an area that must have certain parameters controlled, specifically, pressure, temperature, and segregation. Many laboratories are considered controlled environments, as they have controlled temperature and pressure and are separated from other operations, such as manufacturing or shipping. Unlike cleanrooms, controlled environments do not necessarily have to meet certain standards for particle contamination.

Is this the Controlled environment you are referring too?

Nov 19, 2021
100 bbl test tank being set up in Grassy Creek!


03/09/22 12:39 PM

#187243 RE: thegreencandle #187232

"bullshit small potatoes" is all this will ever be.
Sims, and others will profit handsomely from all the bullshit carrot dangling that GG has put out there over the last couple years.

Test, test, test, disruptive industry technology.

If this was the answer there would be a salable product by now.


03/10/22 12:51 AM

#187282 RE: thegreencandle #187232

I would agree with you if wasn't for David's credentials, and our 3 patents.

UVs keeping HOCIs light from shining in medical, but this nan-bubble with hoci could revolutionize oil recovery;

Worth my $1,000 bet. bettr get ya some!
