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03/03/22 12:00 PM

#63251 RE: BBB #63250

BBB, just finished a long email discussion with CCTC. They are advising that the technology now turns lumps of dirt into nuggets of 24k gold. Also, they have a pending deal with the DOJ to provide a new nuclear reactor technology for submarines.

I can't post screenshots of the emails because I lost them.

PS cctc success seems about as likely as a unicorn becoming president.


03/03/22 6:51 PM

#63253 RE: BBB #63250

Coal futures: $87 3/4/21 --> $400 3/3/22
That includes a 33%, $99, increase today alone!

Russia's invasion of the Ukraine sent coal prices soaring. Germany and Italy are increasing coal reserves and reopening coal plants.

“European thermal coal prices have surged to record highs with futures prices above $400 per metric ton (mt) until Q4 2022,” WoodMac principal analyst, Rory Simington, said. “Some buyers in Japan and Europe have already indicated they are looking to replace Russian supply, and non-Russian thermal coal in Europe is attracting a significant premium over Russian material.”

Even if Russia pulls out and says, "Sorry, Not Sorry," the world will not forgive and forget. Fossils fuels will be sourced elsewhere for the foreseeable future and prices will likely never return to pre-invasion levels.

Pristine technology is needed now more than ever... and as coal prices continue to rise, questions over its economic viability quickly fade away.
I suspect acquiring financing for the rebuild will be much easier now. $$$