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03/01/22 3:24 PM

#713187 RE: navycmdr #713185

If Fannie & Freddie can give $1Billion to Housing Trust Fund

then ... they are obviously "NOT" under Capitalized and



03/01/22 4:58 PM

#713206 RE: navycmdr #713185

This is my top 10 list why I don't believe in the FnF 'earnings' hype
I believe it is the poor performance of GSE's that will lead to a recap, to tease new money.

1) Increase in social programs.
2) Books are not audited by a recognized public Accounting firm.
3) Publicly data for analysis of loan performance is unintelligable
4) $1T in COVID forebearance = $50B/yr min negative cash
5) Oversupply of Multifamily units and loan values reported.
6) Upcoming interest rate hikes which will devastate existing held portfolio.
7) Majority of DUS's are shells with no real skin in the games.
8) sub 700 credit score loans
9) No motivation for long term stability by Fnf rank and file
10) It's in their best interest to show profitability, no expectation for honest accounting from gov't.


03/01/22 8:07 PM

#713235 RE: navycmdr #713185

The New Norm - lots of freeloader handouts