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02/27/22 9:05 AM

#204704 RE: JPG77 #204703

“Yeah, he bounced a $100 check in college.”

Nobody has ever received a felony charge for “theft by deception” for simply over drafting a bank account by $100. Nobody. The truth is that the charge is likely based on a history of similar actions and amounts larger than $100.

Grip it and Sip It

02/27/22 9:43 AM

#204707 RE: JPG77 #204703

Well, he also instructed the CRO to file the BLA “even if short” because the stock price dropped 20% within a half hour. He then lied and said it was full and complete when filed, then sold $15m worth of stock on that knowledge!

He was also sued twice, SUCCESSFULLY, by shareholders for unjust enrichment, which is the nice way of saying he stole shares. A US Magistrate ruled against Nader, clawed back the money and called him “the master mind of unmitigated greed”….which might make that the first time anyone has referred to Nader as a mastermind of anything.

Then there was the termination of Dr Pestell “for cause” that Nader sold to the public and again, lost that case and shareholders paid Pestell $7m+ in damages for Nader’s lies.

Then of course we have an expanding SEC/DOJ investigation into “comments made” by company executives… and now the FDA ordering Cytodyn to publicly rebuke Nader’s lies!

And for the final salvo, Nader was abruptly fired, which was of no surprise to anybody following this scam. So, this is much more than a bounced check and email to his son! This is a pattern of a career criminal and sociopath that finally went too far.

It’s really that simple

3X Charm

02/27/22 10:02 AM

#204712 RE: JPG77 #204703

Nps history of doing what he wanted regardless of the consequences or the law was telegraphed by his earlier felonies and is exactly why this amoral criminal gutted the company for his personal gain.

He went from bank fraud and domestic abuse to stock fraud and insider trading initiating HIV sabotage, two FDA rebukes and SEC and DOJ investigations. 3X felon sure to spend some time in prison and well deserved based on his nefarious acts gutting this company and most shareholders. History repeats.


02/27/22 10:21 AM

#204714 RE: JPG77 #204703

“Yeah, he bounced a $100 check in college.”

This is what NP’s former, or current, paid pumpers (who are part of the SEC/DOJ investigation) would like investors to believe: Innocent NP simply wrote a check he didn’t have cash for and received a felony charge.

Again, no one in the history of the U.S. has received a felony “theft by deception” charge and 1 year for accidentally bouncing a $100 check. Most people have overdrawn or bounced a check at least once, or multiple times, and the majority (if not all) correct the issue far before it becomes a criminal offense. The only time an bounced check gets referred for charges is when it’s a repeat offense, or was done with intent, as noted by “theft by deception”.