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02/24/22 10:38 PM

#6692 RE: Stockingstuffer12 #6690

All good points. I mean the urgent cares and redi meds were line out the door here all fall and winter in S Cal.

So for their stores to get next to no flow?

Very very odd. The idea of what they are/were trying to do I get. But I think it might have been better to try it in a state that is more health conscious. A CA AZ or a Florida even. Warm weather states. But Minnesota is not known as a bastion of health so to go after the more preventative care (Which btw I fully believe this country needs) in that state was imo a mistake. And I won't even go into the wokeness and VERY liberal views that Minneapolis has. Those people are more interested in closing down schools and streets rather than preventive care. Just not a place I would have started a business like that. Now doing the general sick care and covid stuff? That would probably do ok there.

But can they pivot and even if they can...can they claim enough of that market to make it worth while?