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02/24/22 12:16 PM

#148258 RE: stockyupydowny #148248

If a company wishes to increase shareholder value they should concentrate on bringing a product to market that someone wishes to use/buy. The constant press releases that end up as bird cage liner are numerous. The constant switching of focus is confusing except to those who somehow equate obfuscation and confusion with clarity and reason. What is going on with Boston University? Who won the scavenger hunt? To date TTCM has brought nothing to the market that is desired and in the technological world, any new idea with merit and is attractive will attract bigger fish to the pond. To date TTCM has done nothing that would merit a higher share price other than to perhaps provide click through revenues to Ihub. The excuses for failure often are used as a shield to hide weakness-blaming company share price woes on short sellers, or bashers. Those are regular excuses for lack of progress with the thinking being an investor who believes in TTCM could never be wrong so it must be bashers or short sellers and it is just a matter of time before the share price explodes. Implosion is the common occurrence with this share price and many who laughed at the notion it would dip below .025 per share, stating it would never happen. Management is responsible for company fortunes by and large, not some lone wolf poster who singlehandedly brought down the share price. That is an excuse, not a reason.