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02/24/22 4:24 PM

#204493 RE: HyGro #204454

Yep, it showed no clinical benefit. Yep, that’s why it failed. Pretty easy to see that. Left out something very important. CYDY requested 4 doses over 4 weeks. Good Ol’ FDA said nope 2 doses. CYDY said ok, how about the trial two weeks then? Good Ol’ FDA said nope 4 weeks. So how is that going to help the trial results!! wouldn’t!! So why would the Good Ol’ FDA do that?? Plenty of prior data to show no SAE’s with LL. So WHY just 2 doses over a 4 week period?? The only logical conclusion was they didn’t want the trial to succeed! Well it didn’t succeed and LL failed the trial. Sorry guys, said the FDA. Then something happened they didn’t expect, the trial showed great results in the first two weeks against SOC and the CEO pointed it out. (call it cherry picking) who cares. The drug failed the trial and CEO talks about good data in the trial. Where is the threat! The statement that NP made was not going to change anything. The FDA somehow felt it was necessary to write a “hit piece”, “rebuke”, “statement” about a drug that was no threat to the public, and a CEO talking about data within a trial. That seems very odd to me. That first sentence in the letter was strange. FDA: “ Due to significant public interest we are writing this “hit piece”.REALLY?? How many people knew about LL much less read a PR by them?? The FDA did say it WOULD help CYDY with future trials using previous trial data. You mean the trial data that NP pointed out!! All very weird to say the least unless the conclusion was the FDA didn’t want to use a therapeutic to fight this pandemic. They wanted vaccines! LL would have been a problem....