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02/22/22 11:08 AM

#204285 RE: JPG77 #204267

Exactly, quite evident this is about to pop. The new CEO will come from the partnership and working out those details may take quite a bit longer. The bidding war from other companies wanting a piece of the action must be quite intense. Why all the fuss? MIRACLE DRUGS don't come around often. My only worry is they will pigeon hole leronlimab... just like ivermectin, the other miracle drug that won a Noble prize for parasites now found effective for Covid...and STILL held up in FDA trials after all this this how we act in a real pandemic? Something badly wrong with this picture. Thank God I live where it is manufactured and no prescription needed. I just took again three little white ivermectin pills this morning with my coffee. Inquiring minds want to know...where is that whole letter? Bits and pieces can be misleading!! Miscreants at the FDA only permitting two doses of leronlimab can lead to misinterpretation and creative lying. Come clean FDA and admit how much Pig Pharma donations ...half of their budget...might influence whose drug is pushed to the head of the line past the real ones that work like our Leronlimab. 4 doses over 30 days was just too much for them to permit. Interesting no?
member of the club? Decision FDA making which CYDY is up against.

*** This is not a paid advertisement for leronlimab or ivermectin.
Please support your doctor patient relationship and put pressure on all hospital administrators to back off their covid created protocols and let the medical personnel on the front line have their autonomy like normal for all other medical problems. ***Warning, COVID protocols may be hazardous to your health. Look before you leap and let's all fight for leronlimab recognition. Go $CYDY$