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02/18/22 7:26 PM

#186288 RE: gosox12 #186287

It appears as though the results of our O&G testing is of paramount importance. This could get interesting very quickly.
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02/19/22 1:09 PM

#186300 RE: gosox12 #186287

Yeah Gosox, I dropped out when the fins were delayed. Figured no good could come from that. So I did not ride the sp to the new lows. Broke even trading PCTL in H1. Then I got into PQEFF and more recently FTK. Made good $ so far. Have been following and investing in O&G the last 18 months. Now figure Oil Service companies and EOR should be the next big wave.

Meanwhile I have been tracking PCTL from afar and hopped back in at one and a half when Mr. Sims plunked down $2M+. Not sure who he and the other magnificent 7 qualified investors really are, and whether any will be put on the board or named as officers. Still leery about the lack of official company announced details so far. But figure with his group $s staving off bk, and PQEFF and FTK getting buyout offers, it bought some more time for PCTL to pop up on the buy-out screens of some O&G companies with real money to spend. Yeah, I know they're doing something with Maverick, but that doesn't count until we get some buying $$$s behind that.

Like Mr. TKane, got plenty of dry powder should this little puppy start running.