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02/16/22 10:17 AM

#711691 RE: makinezmoney #711668



02/16/22 10:33 AM

#711694 RE: makinezmoney #711668

FNMA coming out of Conservatorship and Restructuring later this year.

Your statement does not jive with the actions of this administration which are more in line with socialism. Look at the bigger picture. Our military has been handed over to globalist control under NATO who is the aggressor in it's dealings with Russia simply because they won't bow down to globalist policies. Push remains for 'vaccine' mandates, i.e., no freedom to choose, under the fake narrative that they're needed. Climate change continues to be pushed for the purpose of exerting more controls over the population (mantra of the socialists). Bank accounts, medical records, social credit score under increased surveillance. Financial markets deliberately being manipulated between boom/bust cycles for the purpose of swaying public opinion to give more control to globalist central banks. More and more deadly pathogens deliberately being released on the public to justify more lockdowns and needless gene therapies for the purpose of advancing mind control technologies. Etc., etc., etc. It's all about control and it's all related. If it isn't stopped soon, _________________________. You fill in the blank. In order for your statement to ring true, major MAJOR changes need to take place. It's up to all of us. Canadian truckers are paving the way forward. Will we follow their lead or will we simply submit like the Germans did pre-WWII. It's our choice. Choose wisely.